Footpath from School to Newcastle Village

This path from St. Francis National School to the village is finally complete. 9 years ago, when I was first elected to the Council, I started pressing for this as I considered that there should be a footpath from the village to the Primary School. Also many children from the Church Lane area have to get down the road to get the bus to Kilcoole schools. The century old footpath had been worn away by traffic and walking was very dangerous. Walking to school is good for the fitness and independence of children and also the reduction in car usage is good for the environment.

A number of attempts were made to build the footpath but the road was too narrow and the wall too poor to allow it. The road surface was also breaking up with the weight of modern traffic. The old wall was attractive. After years of pressing a large amount of money has been allocated to rebuild the road surface, purchase land for widening, building the footpath and wall.

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