Greystones Harbour Facilities Delayed

At a recent Community Liaison meeting it was announced that the marine works for Greystones Harbour, including 2 Public slipways, would be completed by June 2010 which is about 4 months later than hoped. Sispar, the PPP partner of Wicklow County Council, are working late into the evening to complete this work.

The next phase, construction of public facilities including the public square and clubhouses for the Sea Scouts, Divers, Anglers, Sailors and Rowers will be delayed. It was hoped that these would be completed next year but market conditions will delay this to later. The timetable will be announced in the Spring of next year. The project is being funded by constructing some commercial units and 341 homes.

Councillor Derek Mitchell said that the town has been trying to get the harbour sorted out for over 100 years and it is good news that the marine works are nearly finished. It is a tribute to the developers commitment and the Council’s organisation of the project that the sea walls are nearly finished in spite of the financial turbulence that has seen all banks having to be supported by the Government.

I still expect the entire project to be completed by the contracted date of October 2014.


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