All Weather Sports Area for Newcastle and outdoor gym for Charlesland

The Council will install a synthetic all weather surface on the tennis courts at Newcastle Community Centre. One court will also be marked out for basketball, 5 a side football as well as tennis. Also new tennis nets with retractable covers, goal posts and basketball hoops. Surrounded by new fencing this will cost €60k.

In the Charlesland Sports centre an outdoor gym will be installed with bars and devices for step up, chin up, hamstring stretch, sit up, body curl, rope climb, parallel bars, hyperextension stretch and more. ‘I have seen these being heavily used in urban areas abroad’. Costing €20k both this and the Newcastle facility have been funded by a Sports Capital Grant. This came out late in the year but Council officials applied quickly and I expect work to start this year. ‘I welcome these sporting and fitness facilities and council officials responding quickly to the scheme’

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